Costa Rica is dog country. (And cow country, horse country, bird, bat, iguana, crocodile, butterfly, and insect country. But that’s another story.)
Dogs are everywhere. Barking in a frenzy as you walk past their houses. Mutts galore. And many / most of them are tiny. No one spays their dogs, and as with the Costa Rican’s themselves, births are plentiful. Mabel’s neighbor’s dog, in San Jose, Costa Rica. Clearly the chihuahua gene figures prominently in 80% of the dogs in Costa Rica. Paris Hilton would burst with pride seeing the progeny of her favourite breed exponentially expanded into the almost infinite number of variations available in Costa Rica.
Costa Rican’s adopted the small dog trend long before the proliferation of condo dwelling city folk scaled back on the size of their dogs. This sweet little pooch belongs to the neighbour of my sister-in-law. He is the quintessential San Jose dog.
Originally published May 14, 2014